Robert Davis
Creator and Director of Alterra

Robert Davis is the creator and Director of Alterra. Drawing from over 20 years of experience in multiple facets related to Live Action Roleplay (LARP), he oversees all aspects of the game from internal development to game-play implementations and more.
Beginning in June of 2018, Rob refined and tested Alterra through a series of alpha and beta events. This has led up to the launch in 2022 with countless hours of effort and the help of a generous and dedicated community.
"Well met, adventurer! My name is Robert Davis, and I am the Director for the world of Alterra. I started LARPing in small town settings way back in 98 and I've attended all sorts of events since. Alterra started out as a 'what-if' project, and became more refined and real with each passing day. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your interest in Alterra, and I look forward to meeting you!"