Event Information - Garrison
Friday September 15th
Early Arrival: 3:00 PM
Announcements: 8:30 PM
Gameplay Start: 9:00 PM
Saturday September 16th
Sunday September 17th
Gameplay all day
6PM-8PM Dinner Break Downtime (More info below)
Gameplay End: 12:00 PM Noon
Everyone Off-Site: 2 PM
Admission Pricing:
Adventurer: $50.00
Commoner: $20.00
Full-Time NPC: Free
Adventurer Alt: $20.00 per
Commoner Alt: $5.00 per
Extra Radiance: $10.00 (Max 4 per event)
Premium Accommodations: TBA
We can also take cash on-site at the event

Camp Garrison, PA
Camp Garrison, Musser Scout Reservation, 4021 Upper Ridge Rd, Pennsburg, PA 18073
This camp is very easy to find with GPS maps. Players will be staying at the western-themed village, which is very close to the parking lot. The camp has asked that no one drive past the parking lot and on to the property itself.
Food & Drink:
This event does not provide food & drink (although water will be available to players), however players do have access to a single small fridge in the kitchen. We just ask that everyone be respectful and considerate of the shared use.
There is time scheduled from 6PM till 8PM on Saturday when no major events or NPC shifts will be happening for players to make and eat dinner, take a break, or leave the site to get dinner. Everyone is asked to still stay as in-character as possible and may continue roleplaying if they like.
Forms and Info
What to Bring:
Filled-out forms (Filled out online before event or at the event):
New Player Form
Proof of COVID Vaccine Card / Form
Participation Waiver
Camping Supplies:
Sleeping gear
Food/Drink for the weekend
Sunscreen/Bug Spray
Character Garb: whatever you'd like to wear as your character
NPC Shift Garb: bare simple character gear, distinct from your character (more info in rulebook)
Sleeping Arrangements:
For our events at Camp Garrison there are barrack-style bunk beds with mattresses as well as spaces to tent camp. Players will be staying in the Western themed village that is close to the parking lot.
Character Creation:
Build Your Character Ahead of Time:
We now have a basic character builder available at the link below- just open the link and then save a copy of the sheet to your own drive. You won't be able to edit the sheet unless you save your own copy:
Online Character Builder Sheet
You can send your finished sheet to AlterraLarp@Gmail.com and we'll prep your character card ahead of time so it's available at check-in!
Need Help Making a Character?
Early arrival at the Camp starts at 2PM Friday, if you'd like help building your character please plan to arrive before 7:30 announcements so that someone can assist with building your character sheet. Otherwise it may have to wait until after 8:00 PM Game Start.